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Food and nutrition

Food is central to our daily lives. When it is safe and nutritious, it is a powerful ally for our health. However, an imbalanced diet or contaminated food can expose us to immediate risks or chronic diseases. ANSES provides scientific expertise at all stages of the food chain, from the production of foods of animal or plant origin through to the consumer's plate. It assesses the risks associated with the contamination of food by pathogens and toxic substances. It also assesses nutritional quality, and the risks of physical inactivity and sedentary behaviour.


Breast milk: nutritional benefits and health issues
Lait maternel

Breast milk: nutritional benefits and health issues

ANSES has carried out two specific expert appraisals on breast milk, to follow on from its study on dietary exposure of non-breastfed children under three years of age to chemical contaminants. The results show the importance of reducing exposure to chemical contaminants that accumulate in the environment and the body throughout life, and can then be found in breast milk. At the same time, ANSES confirms the beneficial effects of consuming breast milk, which may reduce the risk of overweight or certain diseases in children.
Population health: Santé Publique France and ANSES launch the first phase of the Albane survey
Enquête Albane

Population health: Santé Publique France and ANSES launch the first phase of the Albane survey

On 16 September 2024, Santé Publique France and ANSES launched the first phase of the Albane survey, a continuous assessment of the health and chemical exposure of the French population, designed to improve our understanding of their links with food and the environment.
Risks of food supplements and fortified foods for athletes
Compléments Alimentaires

Risks of food supplements and fortified foods for athletes

Food supplements and foods fortified with proteins, amino acids or plant extracts are taken by athletes, both professional and amateur, to build muscle mass or reduce body fat. Following an initial alert issued in 2016, the Agency is once again warning athletes, coaches and healthcare professionals of the risks of consuming these products, both to the health of the athlete and in the event of a drug test.
From breakfast to dinner: how is food intake distributed throughout the day?
heure du repas

From breakfast to dinner: how is food intake distributed throughout the day?

Following on from its work on the dietary guidelines of the French National Health and Nutrition Programme (PNNS), ANSES decided to take a closer look at the health effects of how food intake is distributed throughout the day. At the same time, it also looked at the risks associated with children not eating breakfast.
Report on the use of sugars and sweeteners in processed foods
Bilan de l’utilisation des sucres et édulcorants dans les aliments transformés

Report on the use of sugars and sweeteners in processed foods

Reducing added sugars in food is one of the main strategies for preventing obesity and diabetes. ANSES has produced a comprehensive report on trends in the use of sweetening ingredients or ingredients conveying sweetness – sugar, glucose, glucose-fructose syrups, honey, fruit juices, caramel, artificial sweeteners, etc. – in beverages and processed foods. It examined the ingredient lists on more than 54,000 products on the market between 2008 and 2020, identified by OQALI, the French Food Observatory. This report shows that the majority of products, even savoury products, contained at least one sweetening ingredient or ingredient conveying sweetness. However, the Agency notes a decline in the use of sweetening ingredients over the last 10 years, particularly sugar syrups and artificial sweeteners. ANSES also stresses that it is possible to further reduce the use of sweetening ingredients in products.
4 tips for a risk-free festive season
enfant fêtes de Noël

4 tips for a risk-free festive season

Like every year-end, the festive season can be synonymous with minor inconveniences as well as more serious accidents for you and your loved ones: children swallowing small objects or decorative plants, food poisoning due to poorly-preserved food, and so on. To protect yourself as best you can, here's our advice for a risk-free festive season.
Making cheese to study health risks

Making cheese to study health risks

Several teams from ANSES are going to make cheese in a laboratory, in order to study the risk of pathogenic organisms being transmitted via cheese consumption. This will be a complex task, due to the precautions that will need to be taken to avoid any external contamination by the micro-organisms under study.
Pool collections of micro-organisms at European level

Pool collections of micro-organisms at European level

To make it easier for the entire scientific community to access collections of micro-organisms, in line with the "One Health" approach, ANSES took part in the European CARE project, funded by the One Health European Joint Programme (EJP) coordinated by the Agency.
The One Health European Joint Program

The One Health European Joint Program

After more than five years, the One Health European Joint Programme (One Health EJP) will be ending soon. The program coordinated by ANSES, helped to implement the One Health approach to manage foodborne outbreaks across Europe. In this special page find out more about the results of the program and the researchs ANSES coordinated.
Listeria monocytogenes: a surprisingly adaptive bacterium
Listéria bactérie

Listeria monocytogenes: a surprisingly adaptive bacterium

Listeria monocytogenes is a ubiquitous bacterium found in food, livestock and wild animals, soil, water and vegetation. The European ListAdapt project focused on the ability of strains of this bacterium to adapt to these different environments. It found that this ability is independent of the strains' environments of origin or their belonging to a given sub-group.
MATRIX: working together to improve surveillance of foodborne pathogens in the EU

MATRIX: working together to improve surveillance of foodborne pathogens in the EU

A multitude of players are involved in the surveillance of pathogenic bacteria that can be transmitted through food, from farm to fork. The European MATRIX project, which has just come to an end, sought to improve collaboration between the various bodies involved in the surveillance systems set up in each European country.
Final meeting of the One Health EJP

11 to 12 September 2023

Final meeting of the One Health EJP

Public : non
Ministère de la Santé et de la Prévention 14 avenue Duquesne 75007 Paris
ANSES holds the final meeting of the One Health European Joint Programme (OHEJP). The meeting will be an opportunity to look back on the work conducted during the five years of the OHEJP. It will be held at the French Ministry of Health and Prevention on the 11th (afternoon) and 12th (morning) of September and will be broadcast live.


Risks of dietary exposure to chlordecone in the French Caribbean

Risks of dietary exposure to chlordecone in the French Caribbean

Chlordecone is a pesticide that can pose a risk to human health. It was used in banana plantations in the French Caribbean until 1993. Being very persistent, it has permanently contaminated the soil and water, and even today has an impact on crops and livestock production. Since the early 2000s, ANSES has been working to improve knowledge on exposure of the French Caribbean population to this contaminant and the associated health risks. In particular, it has made recommendations on the consumption of locally produced food.
The French Food Observatory: OQALI

The French Food Observatory: OQALI

A balanced diet calls for certain individual habits, but also for the foods offered to consumers to have an adequate nutritional composition. In order to be able to monitor the quality of the food supply, OQALI, the French Food Observatory, was set up in February 2008 by the Ministries of Agriculture, Health and Consumer Affairs. It is run jointly by ANSES and INRAE.
What is botulism and how can you prevent it?

What is botulism and how can you prevent it?

Botulism is a disease caused by the action of a toxin produced by Clostridia bacteria, in particular Clostridium botulinum. Found almost everywhere in the environment, this bacterium is responsible for rare but severe cases of food poisoning in humans. The foods most often involved in human cases include canned foods as well as home-made and artisanal cured meat and fish.


Brucellosis is a disease caused by bacteria of the genus Brucella . Found worldwide, it can affect humans, with symptoms including fever, pain, headache and/or weakness. It also affects most mammalian species, domestic and wild ruminants in particular. In animals, brucellosis causes abortion, reduced fertility and reduced milk production, which may in turn induce major economic losses. In addition, animals or herds which have not been certified as brucellosis-free cannot circulate freely between countries. Driven by these major economic implications and to the risk to human health, ANSES is actively involved in brucellosis surveillance and control. Here we provide a presentation of the disease, its current status in France, and the role played by ANSES.
Pesticides in tap water

Pesticides in tap water

As they disperse in the environment after application, the active substances in pesticides can degrade into one or more other compounds called "metabolites". Some of these substances then end up in drinking water. In order to guarantee consumer health, ANSES provides the Directorate General for Health with scientific benchmarks that are invaluable for monitoring tap water quality. To do this, the Agency uses a method for identifying those pesticide metabolites whose presence in drinking water warrants priority attention.
How to avoid food poisoning from norovirus
Comment éviter les intoxications alimentaires liées aux norovirus ?

How to avoid food poisoning from norovirus

In France, noroviruses are the leading cause of acute gastroenteritis in all age groups. In this article, we take a look at the source of these viruses and how they are transmitted.
Vitamin C

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is involved in the formation of collagen and plays an important role in the defence against oxidative stress. Find out more about its role, the foods in which it is found, and the risks of deficiency.
Vitamin B9

Vitamin B9

Vitamin B9 is essential for certain functions of the body, particularly cell renewal. In which foods is it found? Which population groups are most likely to be consuming inadequate amounts? What are the health risks of this inadequate intake? All the answers to these questions are in this article.
Salt or sodium chloride

Salt or sodium chloride

Salt, which consists almost entirely of sodium chloride, is necessary for the functioning of the body. However, consuming too much of it can lead to the development of certain diseases. Find out which foods are high in salt and read our recommendations for limiting your intake.


Iodine is vital to the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Find out about its importance to the body, the health risks in the event of excess or deficiency, and the foods containing it.


Iron is mainly needed to help the body transport and use oxygen. Find out which foods are rich in iron, the risks associated with iron deficiency, and which population groups need special attention.


Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and is found mainly in the skeleton. Find out why calcium is important for your health, which diseases are caused by a deficiency and which foods are rich in calcium.


Document PDF
Assessment of the biological risks in foods
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Numéro de saisine
Document PDF
Health and environmental risk assessment of genetically modified plants
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Numéro de saisine
Document PDF
Health and environmental risk assessment of genetically modified plants
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Numéro de saisine